Barn Swallow Feeding Chicks

by Rehna George
Barn Swallow Feeding Chicks
Rehna George
Photograph - Photography
A Barn Swallow hovers over a field, feeding three fledgling chicks perched close together on a dry, bent mullein stem.
Note: 'Fine Art America' watermark is for online display only - will not appear on product.
Copyright notice: All images published here are original works by Rehna George. All rights reserved. Replicating, creating derivative work from, or use of intellectual property for any reason without permission is not allowed.
December 14th, 2022
Comments (5)

Judi Dressler
What a wonderul capture of this moment, Rehna! Congrats on your Dawn's Delight selection, well deserved

Dawn Currie
Congratulations! You are one of Dawn’s Delights for December 22, 2022!! This fine image has that "something special" that makes it an extraordinary image among the many artworks submitted to Wild Birds of the World - A Nature Photography Group.